
This is the most attractive thing about a man's body to women, and it's hard to believe!

Broad shoulders, thick hair, blue eyes, height? What is the most attractive thing about men to women? According to research done at Cambridge University, none of that.

Psychologists at Cambridge University have discovered that men owe their attractiveness and sex appeal to a specific ratio of body proportions. Believe it or not, women prefer men who are specific length of LEG.

Believe it or not, women prefer men who have a certain length of LEGS.
Believe it or not, women prefer men who have a certain length of LEGS.

For the needs research scientists measured the bodies of 9,000 American soldiers who had different proportions between the torso and the legs. Based on the obtained data, they then compiled photos of male models. Some had longer arms relative to their bodies, while others had longer legs. They also changed the ratio between the forearm and the upper arm and between the thigh and between the swords.

These generated photos were then shown to the women. The ladies had a difficult choice in determining the attractiveness of computer models, but in the end they just decided that it was the most important LENGTH OF THE LEGS. The most attractive to them were men who had compared to the trunk of a longer leg, slightly longer than average (the average man is 175 cm tall). Shorter legs got negative results, as did too long legs. Arm length and upper arm ratio, as well as lower leg ratio, were not significant for women.

Men who have slightly longer legs than average are most attractive to women.
Men who have slightly longer legs than average are most attractive to women.

Nice legs, good genes

Men who have slightly longer legs than average obviously have a good chance of finding a partner. And why do women like it? The head of the research, dr. William Skylark and his collaborators came up with an evolutionary explanation for this. Short and too long legs are said to be associated with certain diseases - short with diabetes, heart disease and dementia, and extremely long with genetic diseases, such as Marfan syndrome. Men who have slightly longer legs than the waist should be healthy and fit. It also connects with them high socio-economic status, good nutrition, stability, as well as biomechanical efficiency during movement.

Have you ever paid attention to your feet? Perhaps they are your greatest asset!

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