
This is the most suitable hour for lunch, which is also confirmed by recent research

Photo: envato

When is the most suitable time for lunch - at 12 noon or at 3 pm? Or somewhere in between?

Recent studies have shown when is the best time for lunch. For some, lunch is the most important meal of the day. In some countries, people even leave the workplace and return home to the family to eat together. But these are only individual countries, and in most of them people have half an hour or in a more benign case, an hour of time for a hot meal in the middle of the day.

Photo: Unsplash/Socialcut

Determining the most suitable time for lunch begins with understanding the importance of breakfast in our diet. Breakfast is essential for stabilizing our mood during the day, and it also fills us with energy and encourages healthy eating habits throughout the day.

Is this the best time for lunch?

Ideally, you should be having lunch four to five hours after breakfast. This will keep your blood sugar at a proper level. So if you ate breakfast at seven o'clock, lunch can be your turn between 11 and 12 o'clock. If your schedule calls for a later lunch, have a healthy snack in between - with the right balance of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. For example, an apple with a handful of nuts or vegetables combined with hummus.

Photo: Unsplash/Kirill Tonkikh

Make sure your lunch will keep you full until dinner. Nutritional balance is also important in this case. Otherwise, as far as dinner is concerned, follow the rule - eat dinner four to five hours after lunch. Experts pretty much agree that it's healthy to eat your last meal three hours before bed, which helps regulate blood sugar and maintain a healthy weight.

The best time for lunch, does that even count?

Studies confirm that the timing of meals during the day is still important. A 2023 study she conducted Northwestern University, found that timed eating can be just as effective as counting calories. Time-restricted eating involves timing your meals so that you eat all of your food within a set period of time – often within an eight to twelve hour window.

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