
This is the most unexpected hair color trend of 2019, and Lady Gaga is responsible for it

This is the most unexpected 2019 hair color trend we've seen on Lady Gaga.

New year, new me - you've probably already thought about this saying that you've heard and said so many times, which for most people remains just a dead letter on paper. But if you look at Lady Gaga's new hair color, your wish for a change will actually come true - and this year you'll be tackling your hair first.

We wrote recently about things only Lady Gaga can do – and there we are again surprised, this time with a new one hair color, which will be obvious went on a list of special things that only she could handle. Winter has barely officially begun, but Gaga clearly already has spring.

Lilac (lilac, majnica, common linden, syringa) has not started yet to flourish, but it can be his we admire the color on Gaga's hair – she decided on a special one a cool purple color that merges towards the tips into the color of an ice cube, thus creating an ombre effect.

And what is the result? This hair color reminds us of a cute unicorn that fits in perfectly with the real world. And what do you think?

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