
It is the most unique Christmas tree in Europe with a touching message

As the most anticipated holiday of the year approaches, the official "opening" of the season is usually marked by the lighting of Christmas lights and trees. Last year, the Christmas tree in Vilnius won the title of the most beautiful Christmas tree in Europe, and this time their Christmas tree will be a reflection of the year behind us and probably the most unique in Europe.

In the capital of Lithuania, the Christmas fairs and the Christmas tree were conceived a little differently this year. The city has prepared alternative and digital ways to continue the Christmas celebrations, which will ensure the safety of the citizens. Instead of attracting crowds to this magical Christmas town, this year they designed safe admiring from a distance. For example, well-kept areas of the city invite you to take a relaxed stroll, while at the same time maintaining social distance. Classic Christmas fairs will be replaced this year virtual Christmas e-fairs, where people will still have the opportunity to buy original gifts and products that would otherwise be sold around the Christmas tree.

Festive Vilnius (Photo: Go Vilnus)

And what is the Christmas tree like in Vilnius? While the exterior of the Christmas tree is modern, the interior reveals a traditional tree that assures us that despite the changes brought about by the epidemic, the Christmas spirit remains the same!

Visually, the Christmas tree looks like some kind of surrealist painting - modern 24 meter high composition surrounded by 6,000 branches decorated with nearly 4 kilometers of color-changing lights, 800 silver ornaments and 150 square meters of glowing mirrors. Inside the structure, it is cozy, homely and intimate with live Christmas trees decorated with pine cones and lights. To be environmentally friendly, the lights are powered by the electricity generated by processing old coffee grounds.

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