
This is the new iPhone 8: the guesswork is over

The guesswork is over. We know what the new iPhone 8 will look like when it's unveiled in just over two (read 3) months, as plans to make cases for the much-coveted gadget have surfaced online. So detailed that there's no doubt - this is the new iPhone 8.

Rumors, that it will be Apple dramatically changed the look of its best-selling product – iPhone, are true. On its 10th anniversary (it was a few days ago) it is appropriate to put the device that changed the media landscape (smartphone) in contact with the moment. It seems that Samsung and the rest of the company (Huawei, LG, Sony, OnePlus, Google Pixel, HTC) are breathing down the neck of the best smartphone in the world, or they have definitely overtaken it in certain segments. So it is iPhone horribly outdated at times, although still extremely competitive in practice.

In the case of rumours, the source of this information and its credibility are always important. And the new design of the phone celebrating 10 years has been reported by all more important journalists and mobile industry experts.

Facts about the new iPhone 8

The new iPhone he will have 5.8 inch screen and a virtually identical camera bump to the current version. The essential difference is, of course, on the front, where the screen covers practically the entire front of the smartphone. The entire phone is thus slightly smaller than the current iPhone 7 plus model and falls into the intermediate dimensional space. This is, of course, an excellent prediction, since it is an existing one iPhone 7 plus so large that it is quite uncomfortable phone, which does not sit well in the hand.

Plan: iPhone 8
Plan: iPhone 8

iPhone 8 – 143.5 x 71 x 7.5 mm
iPhone 7 – 138.3 x 67.1 x 7.1 mm
iPhone 7 Plus – 158.2 x 77.9 x 7.3 mm

A smartphone case maker that has released future smartphone designs multiple times – iPhone 7, Galaxy Note 7 and Galaxy S8 –, he confirmed that the statements are accurate and that he will the future iPhone definitely like that.

So guesswork is over! This is the new iPhone 8.

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