
This is the perfect profile photo for Tinder

The perfect profile photo for Tinder

What's the perfect profile photo for Tinder? This hugely popular dating app generates tens of millions of potential matches on a daily basis. So why are you unable to find a potential partner or partners? The reason may lie in your profile photo. With applications like Tinder, we judge people by their cover, and only then does everything else come into play. Without a good profile, you have no chance. At Romance Golas, they investigated the reasons for swiping left or right on the screen. right. So for the best catch, you must have a profile photo like this…

Is there a perfect one profile photo for Tinder? Although we are taught not to judge a book by its cover, it is often the outside that makes the decision. At least in the first phase. That's what most people bet on prank apps, also the super popular Tinder, where we learn very little about people, that's why profile photo the key to success if we don't want to get a digital basket. What you don't know doesn't hurt, but if you'd like to catch more potential partners and you're unhappy with your current catch, it might be time to change your profile photo.

READ MORE: Top 10: Best Dating Apps

Do you have a "real" profile photo?
Do you have a 'real' profile photo?

An Australian poll showed that just 85 percent of people, who is looking for a soulmate online, would not choose a person who does not have a profile photo, so when making contacts, this is (unfortunately) the most important thing. We are human after all visual beings. Research in which they studied 600 profile photos of Tinder users, showed that men who have such a profile photo have the most success with the fairer sex.

Location is important

It doesn't matter where you take your photo.
It doesn't matter where you take your photo.

For women, it's best if they post a photo taken in a restaurant, as they have a 62 percent success rate (read swipe right). Photos taken in a nightclub are next in terms of success (59.4% success rate), while those taken in a car fare much worse (26.1% success rate). For men, the best profile is one taken on the beach. The success rate in this case is 44%.

Use a photo that is just you

Group photos don't belong on Tinder.
Group photos don't belong on Tinder.

It doesn't have to be a selfie. But if you are alone in the photo, the response is much better. For women, such photos receive 58.4 percent of swipes to the right, while group photos receive only 42.2 percent. Group photos are even worse for men, with only a 25.1% success rate.

Let the whole body be seen

It's better for women to show more than just their face.
It's better for women to show more than just their face.

Men prefer profiles where a woman's body can be seen in its entirety. If it's just a face, your chances drop from 66.4 percent to 58.1 percent. For men, the picture is just the opposite. Women are more attracted to profile photos that show only the face.

Show your teeth

Teeth are the key to success.
Teeth are the key to success.

It is important to show your teeth in the photo. Both men and women respond well to this. Photos with a bright smile are less successful than those where you don't show your teeth. The difference is minimal (for women 60.5 vs. 56.7 and for men 40.6 vs. 37.7 percent), but nuances sometimes make the difference. Bet on a simple smile. Do not stick out your tongue or purse your lips.

Clothes make the man

Who is shallow now?!
Who is shallow now?!

Interesting. Men respond better to photos of women in formal or everyday clothes rather than swimwear (62.4 percent vs. 41.7), as might be expected. But maybe men just aren't as shallow as we thought! Judging by this research, they are shallower women, as they prefer the profiles of men in swimsuits. Those of this type have a 53.3% success rate, while those featuring men in elegant suits only have a 32.9% right swipe probability.

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