
This is the secret of women whom men sincerely love and never forget

How often do we hear complaints from men that women are complicated and that they just can't find a "normal" woman. 

Why can't a woman build a quality relationship? He just doesn't know how. She does not allow herself to accept signs of attention, support and gifts from a man.

There are several reasons for this:

1. Parental influence –"A woman should be proud," "She should pay for everything herself," etc.

2. Insecurity of a woman, telling her that she doesn't deserve a good relationship.

3. She is not used to attention. He simply does not have such experience, so he does not know how to respond to manifestations of concern in relation to a man. She does not fit into the normal image of the world and this can cause her anxiety and the expectation that something will be wrong - that the man is just playing with her.

4. The desire to feel good with a man in a way that tells him that she doesn't need anything from him, which is usually the result of a lack of self-confidence.

5. Unconscious desire to compete with the partner's mother or wants to replace her; excessive worry.

6. Her desire to fulfill the male role in a partnership – she is always the first to give, protect and control.

This is the secret of a woman that men never forget.

What do women do who are loved?

Women whom men love and appreciate, with whom they build long-term and intimate relationships, allow a man to feel masculine around them. This means that they show their main masculine qualities: protector, worker, giver.

Women often answer a man's question: "What does he want?" they answer "I don't need anything." And then they are offended by the fact that the man took her words literally or gave her only a symbolic gift.

Men, even the most intelligent, generally do not understand these guesses. That's how they work. Women are much better at recognizing other people's desires. Their intuition is better developed. After all, nature intended that a woman should feel the wishes and needs of a child who cannot yet speak.

A man is a defender and does not need this quality. Therefore, it will be much easier and more comfortable for a man to give something to a woman if he does not have to guess with the risk of offending the woman in the event of a mistake.

If you want him to buy you a necklace, just say so. Some women do not tell their man what and when they want, say flowers, because they are burdened with various assumptions. But gifting a woman is one of the greatest joys of a normal man.

Let your man be your protector, help him feel strong next to you. Accept his attention and gifts with love and gratitude. You deserve the best. Allow yourself to be weak sometimes and you will see how much love, strength and energy a man can give you!

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