
This is the Tesla Robotaxi: a revolution in autonomous driving

Robotaxi in partnership with the Chinese giant Baidu

Tesla Robotaxi
Photo: midjourney

Tesla is preparing for a revolution in autonomous driving with the introduction of its latest service Robotaxi, or the presentation of a special vehicle - the Tesla Robotaxi. The American pioneer in electric vehicles relies on its cutting-edge autonomous driving software to promise a safe and reliable future of driverless mobility. At the same time, at the moment, agreements are being made with the governments of a really large number of countries in which Tesla could soon receive permits for autonomous driving.

Tesla and Baidu, the Chinese IT giant and a leader in autonomous taxi services, are exploring a mutually beneficial collaboration. The CEO of Baidu's autonomous driving division, Xu Baoqiang, expressed optimism about a potential partnership with Tesla that would allow for a faster transition to autonomous mobility in China.

Photo: Tesla / Franz von Holzhausen
Elon Musk started thinking about the concept of Robotaxis already in 2013. During public appearances and interviews, he repeatedly mentioned his vision of autonomous vehicles that could work as driverless taxis. Musk believed that autonomous vehicles would allow cars to be used more efficiently, as owners of their vehicles could earn money while they are not in use by joining a fleet of Robotaxis. This vision continued to evolve and was presented more formally in April 2019 at the “Tesla Autonomy Day” event, where Tesla announced concrete plans to introduce Robotaxis by 2020, should regulators allow it.

Preparations for the Chinese market

Baoqiang's statements followed recent announcements by Chinese authorities that they intend to grant Tesla the necessary permits to begin testing Robotaxis on Chinese roads, particularly in Shanghai. Analysts believe that a partnership between Tesla and Baidu is very likely, as the two companies are already collaborating on several projects, including the use of Baidu's maps for Tesla's autonomous cars in China.

Different speeds in different markets

While China is just beginning to regulate the market for autonomous vehicles, the United States, Tesla's largest market, is already preparing to introduce the technology. Lars Moravy, vice president of engineering at Tesla, pointed out that some US federal laws have already been passed but still need implementation.

"We need to talk to the authorities, explain our safety methods and the benefits of autonomous driving. In this way, we will pave the way for this technology and convince federal states where autonomous driving is not yet regulated," says Moravy.

Photo: Tesla / Franz von Holzhausen

Availability of Full Self-Driving (FSD)

Tesla recently offered FSD (Full Self-Driving) service for $99 per month, which further increased interest in this technology. The FSD really looks like the first practical solution for fully autonomous driving, demonstrating Tesla's leadership in this field.

Tesla is currently in talks with Ford about the possibility of cooperation in the field of autonomous driving. If the deal goes through, Tesla could supply Ford with its advanced Full Self-Driving (FSD) software, which would allow Ford vehicles to become fully autonomous. The move would be a significant step for both the auto giants; Tesla would expand its autonomous technology to a wider market, while Ford would gain access to proven and leading technology in the field of autonomous driving, thereby accelerating its presence in the driverless vehicle market. Talks are still in the early stages, but a potential collaboration between Tesla and Ford could bring significant changes to the auto industry.


Tesla Robotaxi promises a driverless future where autonomous vehicles will become part of everyday life. With the partnership with Baidu and the support of US lawmakers, Tesla appears to be well on its way to becoming the leading provider of autonomous vehicles globally. The road to fully autonomous driving is still full of challenges, but Tesla seems to have all the trump cards to overcome them.

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