
This is what it looks like to produce the best quality replica shoes in 'China's fake city'

This is what it looks like to produce the best quality replica shoes in 'China's fake city'.

The thought of wearing a replica of the originals is horrifying to some people. Those of you who don't think of throwing a dizzying amount of money on shoes that you don't even know if they are authentic and prefer to get replicas, you can now see the 'paradise' where the best quality approximations of the originals are made.

Even if you are a 'shoe collector', it often happens that you are what model you can't afford because of the skyrocketing price. This is also the reason why some shoe fans prefer to swear by fakes.

In recent years, many global factories, who produce fakes, closed. Nevertheless Putin, which has long been considered the 'Chinese city of fakes', continues to thrive in the production of replicas of the most famous brands.

China's counterfeit city thrives on producing replicas.
China's counterfeit city thrives on producing replicas.

He also found his 'happiness' in forgery Chan, a former medical student in the UK who says yes the authorities in this city turn a blind eye in prosecuting replica makers, although some companies they produce fakes, which they mark at their points of sale as top quality originals. Making and selling replicas is the backbone of Putian, because that's how their economy flourishes.

In Putian, the economy is booming at the expense of making and selling replicas.
In Putian, the economy is booming at the expense of making and selling replicas.

The footwear industry is developing, therefore, the number of scams will also increase in China. Chan tells VICE News that it's a 'win-win' situation for replica designers, buyers and even original brands due to awareness of a specific brand. “If you want to make a real replica, you have to have an original that you completely deconstruct,” says Chan.

If you want to make a fake, you have to have the original.
If you want to make a fake, you have to have the original.

In the video, this is how Chan shows off his shoes Balenciago Triple S and Off-White x Converse, which he says are high-quality replicas that exemplify how closely they resemble the actual versions. Chan reveals that his buyers expect perfection even in fakes, as one negative online review can cost him tens of thousands of dollars.

Chan says that when you wear shoes, no one will closely analyze whether it is a fake. "A normal person doesn't do that. All these things don't really matter in real life,” conclude.

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