
This McDonald's product has the fewest calories!

McDonald's is both the Mecca of American excess and the Mecca of delicious fries. Although they have often not escaped bad publicity, not every product is as high in calories as you might think. You will be quite surprised.

While some of you are already guessing whether it is about grilled chicken sandwich or sandwich with fish fillet, is the sandwich with the fewest calories actually a regular hamburger.

A regular hamburger has the fewest calories.
A regular hamburger has the fewest calories.

That's right. A regular hamburger has 'le' 250 calories. Of course, it is right to ask, what is the usual number of calories in fast food hamburgers. Just for comparison: a burger at Burger King is said to have 230 calories.


'Only' 250 calories...
'Only' 250 calories...

What about other McDonald's sandwiches? Cheeseburger has 300 calories, grilled chicken sandwich 360 calories, Filet-O-Fish 390 calories, double Cheeseburger 440 calories and Big Mac 540 calories.

Well, you know something new!
Well, you know something new!

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