
This part of women's body is the most attractive to men...and you won't believe which one!

Do you know which part of the body on men attracts women the most? In a recent survey, random men were asked what part of their body they thought turned women on the most.

Most men thought it was the muscular shoulders, almost a fifth bet on the biceps, and 15 percent chose the male genital organ. When the researchers asked the same question to women, they got completely different answers. Men, if you want to attract a woman's attention, you need to focus on…

What part of the body on men attracts women the most? In America, they recently asked this question to 1000 random passers-by and came up with the following answers. When they answered the question men aged between 18 and 55 years, the answers were distributed as follows. 22 percent of respondents believed that women are the most attractive to men muscular shoulders. 18 percent were sure that they were biceps, 15 highlighted them the penis, slightly less, 13 percent, body height, and nine slim belly. Seven percent of men put it at the top coherent constitution, and four percent bet on slim butt, beautiful eyes and hair. Long legs got three percent.

The penis is far behind.
The penis is far behind.

When they asked the same question to women, it turned out that you really did they "fall" on completely different parts of the male anatomy. So what part of the body on men attracts women the most?

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The answer is: firm butt! It was decided for her 40 percent of the fairer sex. It is far behind then harmonious body, which received 15 percent of the vote. That slim belly the sexiest, 13 percent of women thought, and 11 percent said they were most attracted to eyes. Six percent pointed them out long legs, five hairs and body height, three necks and only two percent of the penis. Muscular shoulders, which men put in the first place, do not play a visible role in women, because they are like the sexiest part of the male body chosen by only a percentage of respondents.

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