
This is what 99 % men do: this kind of thing makes every woman nervous

This is what 99 % men do: this kind of thing makes every woman nervous

As women, we think that the way we cook, clean, do everyday things is the only correct way. We live in Zen until we meet a partner who slowly eats away at us because his habits are just different... and sometimes disgusting.

Sometimes it's real difficult to live in a partnership, because everyone has their own habits, which cannot be done just like that to change. It will take time, adaptation, persistence and good nerves, if you want to restore peace in the house. It sounds terrible, but it's not impossible.

Every man is special on your own way, but sometimes they are men so resourceful when it comes to everyday tasks that make even the angriest woman smile. You'll see that in these photos posted by Reddit users imagination brings fun to routine life. And we only have to ask ourselves how men they even survive without women.

Gallery: 99 % Men Do It

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