
This tattoo makes you a tattoo of your choice. Would you dare?

Would you trust a stranger to create a tattoo of your choice on your body?

Monty Richthofen, also known by the name Maison Hefner, it is 23-year-old tattoo artist from London, who is enthusiastic about traditional tattooing process – is always creating same tattoos, and last year he started the project 'My words, my body' (English: My words, my body), in the context of which the person who comes for the tattoo must to blindly believe and surrender, as only Hefner knows, what the end result will look like (the thief).


Although it seems that Hefner randomly chooses a tattoo for a client, always with her before the tattooing process he talks. Sometimes the conversation can last even more than two hours. He asks all parties four questions: Why do you want to do this?? What does trust mean to you?? Why do you trust me?? What will you do if you don't like the thief?? Based on the conversation and the answers to the questions asked, Hefner knows, in what way will the tattoo depict this moment in their life.


The artist has five volumes, filled with 5000 different phrases, in which sometimes looking for an idea for a thief, which is most suitable for the customer. Every person has the right to choose, on which part of the body does he want to have a tattoo.


Hefner also makes sure that people understand why they make tata. He says he would never create a tattoo drunk person, even during tattooing he does not allow the use of the phone, as he wants the clients to concentrate during the tattooing process.

Would you trust this artist with your body??

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