
This Vietnamese kindergarten is a paradise for children

How to prepare a child to attend kindergarten with pleasure? They have the answer to this question in Vietnam, where they have built an educational institution where children feel better than at home.

Kindergarten Chuon Chuon Kim 2 were designed by architects from the company Kientruc O. It is almost entirely built of brick. At first glance, the building resembles a building made of the popular Lego blocks. The color of the bricks, which was created by mixing orange and yellow, also attracts a lot of attention.

It connects different parts of the kindergarten in a unique way external staircase, which is colored orange. Inside the building, it is possible to climb to the upper floor by spiral staircase, which is protected by a high fence. Each floor is designed in a slightly different pattern. In this way, the architects want to encourage children to observe their surroundings, which can be enlarged level of creativity.

Daylight access to the room provides better conditions for learning. That is why it was necessary to ensure an appropriate ratio between light and darkness when designing the kindergarten. When the visitor enters the interior of the kindergarten, he is particularly impressed by the high contrast.

Chuon Chuon Kim 2 looks like a paradise for children and we can only hope that soon a similar kindergarten will be built in Slovenia as well.

Gallery - Chuon Chuon Kim 2

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