
Science Hack Day 2016 – the first time in Slovenia

On October 15 and 16, 2016, the Association for Technical Culture of Slovenia invites you to the first Science Hack Day in Slovenia. Check out what's going on.

Important information
Tržaška cesta 25
Entrance fee
Free of charge

Science Hack Day is a global project driven voluntarily by geek scientists, hackers, and enthusiasts from around the world. The first such event was organized in 2010, since then more than 60 have taken place in 20 countries around the world.

A glimpse of Science Hack Day 2015 in San Francisco (Photo: Matt Biddulph)
A glimpse of Science Hack Day 2015 in San Francisco (Photo: Matt Biddulph)

What will happen?

The first Slovenian Science Hack Day will be a two-day event for anyone who would like to create something weird, funny or serious with science. Together with the others, he will check how far they can take their idea in 24 consecutive hours. Designers, developers, scientists and others will combine their experiences and work in teams to create web applications, social games, mini robots and complex data analysis. As well as simple sensors, smart clothes or something else entirely.

What is the mission of the Science Hack Day event?

"To arouse interest in creating with science," say the organizers. During the weekend, participants form multidisciplinary teams: physicists connect with designers, advertisers join forces with biologists, developers help schoolchildren. By collaborating on specific tasks in this short amount of time, small teams can produce extraordinary results.

Extraordinary results can be achieved within 24 hours. (Photo: Matt Biddulph)
Extraordinary results can be achieved within 24 hours. (Photo: Matt Biddulph)

What does Hack mean?

A hack is a quick solution to a problem, not necessarily the most elegant, but certainly the smartest. Anything can be used for its realization - various data, programs, tools and materials. And such solutions are the goal of the first Science Hack Day event in Slovenia. No previous experience is necessary. Bring your curiosity, will and love for science and try to make your ideas come true. It starts on Saturday, October 15, at 10:00 a.m.

READ MORE: Slovenians made the world's first floating gramophone

Video: Science Hack Day in San Francisco


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