
This year's trend is temporary scented tattoos

Here are temporary scented tattoos, so get ready to smell like roses this summer.

Do you still remember temporary tattoos, which came along with some gum or other candy? Children of the 1990s will especially remember this. And although we have outgrown these over the years temporary tattoos and have either decided against tattooing or, on the other hand, for permanent tattoos, we may still have the desire to 'decorate' our body here and there.

And here he enters Tattly, which offers scented temporary tattoos, which will be a real hit this summer. They offer 12 different scents: 4 herbs (parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme), 4 different candy scents and 4 different floral scents (blue hydrangea, rose, pink peony, purple peony). Each thief therefore matches with free scent (these are created in collaboration with Agilex Fragrance).
After application, the temporary tattoo should remain two to three days. Temporary tattoos are made with safe and non-toxic ink.

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