
Timelapse of the New Year's Eve celebration at Time Square

Let's feel the pulse of New York's New Year's Eve. The almost three-minute film, which the creators summarized with the help of the timelapse photography technique, takes us to the past longest night of the year at the iconic Time Square's entertainment anthill.

One of America's favorite New Year's Eve destinations attracts incredible crowds every year who eagerly await the stroke of midnight and the descent of the giant Waterford crystal ball with glasses of sparkling wine. To capture this multi-hour electrified atmosphere, the Timelapse Group production team, led by Noel Corder, Brandon Cotter and Hector Arrivillage, installed 2 Red Epics cameras and several DSLR cameras on the roofs of two hotels, near Time Square. As many as 18,000 pictures, taken in 12 hours, were then combined with the musical background of Ryan Taubert into a stunning timelapse film, which will also serve as a New Year's promotional video in the following years.

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