
Tips for effective hair removal: long-lasting smooth and beautiful skin

Photo: Cottonbro/Pexels

Do you also struggle with ingrown hairs, dry skin, itching and pain after waxing? Every skin needs to be prepared before depilation and nourished after the procedure, regardless of whether it is done at home or in a professional salon. We have attached some tips that will help you prepare and alleviate the pain that may occur after waxing.

Use warm water, as only this is important for the efficiency of the procedure. If you tolerate hotter water well, this is even better, as it opens up the follicles in the skin. This makes it easier to get closer to the hair root when shaving, which helps your hair grow more slowly.

It also affects the efficiency of depilation correct and correct selection of products. With the right razor and the right shaving gel or foam, you can significantly extend the duration of the shaving effects. Cheap razors namely, they do more harm than good to the skin. Try different products and choose the ones you like best and will give you the best results.

It is recommended to replace the razor after every shave, especially to avoid cuts and injuries. This applies to razors that are intended for single use, namely the sharpness of the new blade prevents such injuries.

Photo: Mel Poole/Unsplash

Above all, don't shave, if you are in a hurry. You will regret the results of such a shave later, because handling a sharp blade can damage the top layer of the skin. Be careful when waxing, your skin will return it more gently.

The skin is very irritated after shaving, that's why it is it is recommended that you feed her as well. Products that prevent skin irritation are suitable, as they soothe, moisturize and nourish it. You can also use lukewarm coconut oil, which still smells pleasant in the summer months.

Photo: Dana Tentis / Pexels

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