Are you one of the fans of spending your free time in the fresh air? Do you like to indulge in the sun's rays and love delicious prepared food?
We have prepared some tips for preparing tasty and high-quality food that will please even the most demanding guests at your picnic.
Meat preparation
The meat will be tastier if it is first marinated in a special sauce. The marinade consists of several different components. All the ingredients together form a combination that ensures that the entire piece of meat is cooked it takes on flavor, and the meat also softens. Do not pierce the meat during baking, as it will lose all its juices.
Preparation of marinades
The ideal ingredients for a simple marinade are oil, white vinegar, white wine, garlic, a combination of spices, pepper, sugar, oregano or thyme. Instead of vinegar, you can also use lemon, lime juice or yogurt. Place the meat in a bag or bowl and leave it overnight in the refrigerator to allow the flavors to infuse well.
Harder meat, such as beef and veal, leave in the marinade at least 4 hours. Marinate the chicken in oil, lemon juice, onion, salt, pepper, paprika and parsley and refrigerate for at least four hours.
Mustard improves the taste of meat
It is recommended to marinate lamb and veal for four to six hours, pork and poultry for two to four hours, and fish and vegetables for half an hour to one hour. The best marinade for meat can contain, in addition to the three key ingredients, acid, oil, and salt honey, horseradish, mustard, Tabasco.
Preparation of orange marinade
Mix orange and lemon juice with mustard, spices, oil and lemon peel. Dry the washed meat with a paper towel and place in the marinade. Cover the container with foil and leave it in the refrigerator for at least two hours. Then lightly grill the meat marinated in the sauce, occasionally brushing it with a sprig of rosemary soaked in olive oil.
Beer marinade
You need two deciliters of any beer, olive oil, salt, onion, sweet pepper, pepper, garlic, lemon juice, chopped parsley. Finely chop the onion and garlic and mix them with the other ingredients. Place the pieces of meat in a ziplock bag and cover them with the marinade. Mix the contents of the bag well, then place it in the cold for 4-6 hours. Coat the meat with the marinade several times during baking, which you repeat also after baking.
She bakes fruit
Grilled fruit is a must be fresh before baking, it is good to sprinkle it with something drops of olive oil. Bake it on moderate heat. To prevent it from sticking to the grill grate, it is recommended to coat it with butter.
Baking vegetables
Prepare low-calorie and tasty grilled vegetables very quickly, as they are an ideal accompaniment to meat and fish. Before baking, it is recommended to coat the vegetables with olive oil, after baking, you can enrich it with spices such as rosemary, basil, oregano or parsley.
Baked potatoes
Cut the potatoes, coat with oil and season with salt and pepper. Coat the grill grate with oil and add it to the potatoes sprigs of rosemary. Bake the potatoes on direct heat for 20 to 30 minutes, until you can "softly" penetrate the thickest part of the potato with a knife.