
TOP 10: the best adventure documentaries of all time

TOP 10: the best adventure documentaries of all time

Human life, although it rarely occurs to most of us, is but a fleeting moment in all that has been, is, and will be. The most adventurous among us seem to be quite aware of our fleetingness and smallness, risking their lives in the hope of discovering or achieving something new. Their stories can also be seen in movies - the best adventure documentaries of all time.

If you're drooling for new experiences, but time, lack of courage or some other reason keeps you in the safe haven of everyday life, you can partially live out your longing for adventure through these films - they are selected in one place the best adventure documentaries of all time.

The Best Adventure Documentaries of All Time:

180 Degrees South (2010)

Photographer and writer Jeff Johnson has made a stunning documentary out of his travels in Chile and ascent in the mountains of Patagonia - beautiful shots of nature are accompanied by his inner reflection, which gives the film a humanistic touch.

North of the Sun (2012)

The documentary shows the adventures of two friends who go to the north of Norway to spend the winter.

Valley Uprising (2014)

Yosemite Valley is one of the most popular climbing destinations in the world. The documentary shows how the valley became popular among climbers.

The Great Alone (2015)

The independent documentary The Great Alone takes us into the life of Lance Mackey, winner of the dog sled race at the famous Iditarod race.

Unbranded (2015)

The visual treat from Unbranded tells the story of cowboys traveling from Mexico to Canada with a herd of nearly 20 wild mustangs.

The Fourth Phase (2016)

Travis Rice is one of the best modern snowboarders. His latest film, The Fourth Phase, takes us to the world's wildest ski resorts.

Fishpeople (2017)

An extraordinary documentary film shows the beauty of the close relationship between man and the ocean. It tells the story of six individuals who closely intertwine their lives with water.

Mountain, (Mountain 2017)

These documentaries were filmed in as many as 22 different countries and recorded more than 2000 hours of material. In addition to the excellent narration, it is one of the most visually shocking and powerful adventure documentaries.

Under an Arctic Sky (2017)

The film follows six surfers who embark on a journey to Iceland to explore one of the most diverse and interesting surfing destinations in the world.

Free Solo (2018)

Freestyle climber Alex Honnold takes us into his world of free climbing, which is full of adrenaline, determination, motivation and immense courage.

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