
Top 10 movies that can help us get to know each other better

While we are still involved in the excitement of the New Year, we don't have time to stop and think about life, its meaning or to look at things from a different perspective. But everyone needs that, and it's good to reexamine ourselves from time to time and set new goals. Movies can also help us with this, which can give voice to our inner dialogues, especially those where the characters are faced with decisions that will change their lives. Here are 10 wonderful movies that are real 'food' for our thoughts and can help us get to know each other better.

Top 10 movies that can help us get to know each other better:

The Giver (Guardian of memories, 2014)

After many wars and suffering, humanity found a solution in erasing the memories of hatred and prejudice and forming completely controlled communities. To ensure that history is not completely forgotten, there is always a specific guardian of memories. When this task befalls the talented Jonas, the surprised young man realizes the negative sides of social control, so he decides to fight back and reveal the truth.

Leaving Las Vegas (1995)

Ben Sanderson is a renowned Hollywood screenwriter who becomes an alcoholic. Being fired, he decides to drink himself to death in Las Vegas. There he meets Sera, a street prostitute who matches his wild nature and current tenderness. From that moment on, Ben and Sera bond and form a unique bond based on unconditional love and mutual respect.

Coherence (2013)

Strange things begin to happen when a group of friends gather for dinner on the day Miller's Comet is scheduled to fly by Earth. During a relaxed conversation, they become involved in a chain of mysterious and unusual events. The film perfectly plays with the past, present and future.

Final Cut (2004)

In the near future, most people will have chips implanted in their brains. These determine all aspects of their lives - from birth to death. Alan Hackman is the 'editor' of the ultimate version of human life and has access to every moment. Problems arise when he receives an order from the late lawyer's wife…

Dot the I (Between passion and reason, 2003)

On the eve of her wedding, Carmen recklessly kisses an attractive stranger named Kit. But this kiss suddenly reveals her hidden passions...

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Changing Lanes (2002)

Renowned lawyer Gavin Bankek makes his way through heavy traffic and is late for court. In the other lane is Doyle Gipson, a father whose right to see his children is in the hands of a very busy and ruthless judge. At first glance, Bankek and Gipson are very different men: one is approaching the peak of his career, the other is desperate to escape from the social bottom. But a small traffic accident pushes this stranger to the brink of self-destruction and confirms that rage can turn a man into a monster.

The Limits of Control (2009)

A recluse is an extremely mysterious person, an outsider whose actions are always strictly outside the bounds of the law. He is preparing to finish one of his deals. He embarks on a journey that will take him to Madrid and then even further to Seville. Along the way, he attracts the attention of double agent Gola (who is always completely naked under his transparent raincoat) and a series of other mysterious companions, such as the Blonde, the Guitarist, the Mexican and others.

These Final Hours (Zadnje ure, 2013)

Last day on Earth, 12 hours before a catastrophic event that will destroy life as we know it. Seeing the village, James manages to get to the other side of the chaotic city, where the last party of all parties is on the horizon, where James plans to party himself to exhaustion. When on the way there he manages to save the life of a little girl, Rose, who is desperately searching for her father, the girl unexpectedly becomes a burden and a responsibility that James neither wants nor needs. And while time flies by, James slowly realizes what is really important and valuable in life.

Premonition (Slutnja, 2007)

The normal life of housewife Linda is interrupted by the tragic death of her husband, but an even greater shock follows the next morning, when she wakes up next to him again. Since no one knows anything about the fatal accident, Linda assumes it was just a dream. The very next day, she finds herself again at the time of her husband's funeral. Due to her unusual behavior, everyone is convinced that she has suffered a nervous breakdown, but Linda decides to get to the bottom of the mystery and put the course of events into a logical chronological sequence. But her experiments soon have fatal consequences.

The Insider (1999)

Jeffrey Wigand was the central witness in the legal process initiated by the US state of Mississippi with the support of forty-nine other states against the tobacco industry, which was then - as now - one of the most powerful industries in the world. Lowell Bergman, as an investigative journalist and producer of the high-profile television series '60 Minutes', conducts an interview with Jeffrey Wigand, which is actually a shocking confession, and among other things, arranges for him legal assistance in the upcoming trial. This decision, however, comes at a high price.

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