
Top 20: The Best Female Characters in History

The best female movie characters in history

Hollywood has to swallow quite a bit of criticism at the expense of female characters. Rightfully so. Good roles for women are as rare as diamonds. And yet. Film and TV history is full of great and well-crafted female characters who live up to their male counterparts. The Hollywood Reporter recently conducted a poll asking actors and filmmakers for the best female characters. These are the best female characters in history.

The character is conservative, nice and smart Hermione Granger, which is in the movies about Harry Potter depicted Emma Watson, was voted the best female character in history. A survey in which over 1,800 individuals participated (actors, writers, directors and other filmmakers) was performed by the film magazine The Hollywood Reporter.

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And who is Hermione Granger? It is the best student at Hogwarts, who is disliked by some wizards because of her nobility. It's actually Hermione loyal friendsa, who s courage, skill and knowledge often help friends to get out of trouble. She and Ron are often at each other's hair, but in truth they are in love with each other. They later marry and have two children.

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