
Top 20: the happiest countries in the world

1. Norway

Are you planning to move abroad soon? In order to choose the right country to live in in the future, we advise you to go somewhere where your mood will be as happy as possible. There are many affordable options available. Here are the happiest countries in the world.

Research World Happiness Report 2017, which was held for the fifth year in a row, she studied 155 countries according to the level of happiness enjoyed by their residents. Countries are ranked based on many different factors, such as average income, satisfaction with the education and health systems, and the mental health of citizens. The results of this research are receiving more and more attention. Indeed, many governmental and non-governmental institutions use indicators of happiness when evaluating the success of implemented projects. So which countries topped this list?
PS: Slovenia
ranked among 155 countries to the 62nd place. 

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