
Top 5 ways to clean neglected white sneakers

We present to you the top 5 ways to clean dirty or neglected white shoes so that they are like new!

Almost everyone can find at least one pair of white sneakers somewhere in their closet, or even in the hall, that have not been really white for quite some time. White sneakers are one of the best, because they go well with almost any outfit. But when they look like someone stepped on us with muddy shoes several times, we can no longer say that. That's why we present to you top 5 ways to clean your favorite white sneakers, to make them look like new again.

If you wanted to tackle this task in the easiest way and simply throw your sneakers in the washing machine, you should be here careful. Certain are made of materials that can permanently damage the washing machine or their glue starts to come off. We have prepared for you below some other ways to clean white sneakers, as well as tips, how to wash them properly in the machine.

These tricks will make your old white sneakers look like new.
These tricks will make your old white sneakers look like new.


If various cracks and stubborn dirt start to appear on your sneakers, even a washing machine will not help you. A very simple trick is to use white nail polish that applied to abrasions and let it dry. After that, the damage should be almost invisible.


Every good housewife knows that vinegar works wonders both in salads and in cleaning. Put some vinegar of your choice on the cloth and with it rub your sneakers and thus remove even the most stubborn stains. After that, wipe the shoes with another damp cloth to soften the smell left by the vinegar.


There are many areas on sneakers that are very difficult to reach with a cloth. This is where a toothbrush can come to our aid. Soak it in warm water with soap and brush off the dirt from your favorite white shoes.

White sneakers can be cleaned with a brush, but also with vinegar.
White sneakers can be cleaned with a brush, but also with vinegar.


It is an alternative to washing in a washing machine hand wash with warm water and mild soap. This way, the sneakers will get less wet, less likely to get damaged, and they will dry faster. Immediately after washing, wipe them as best as possible with a towel, then place them in the air to dry as quickly as possible. but do not expose them to the sun.


You can also whiten your shoes with bleach, but make sure you dilute it enough. The rough recommendation is to mix it in a ratio of 1:5, where there is more water. Dip an old toothbrush in the solution and gently scrub the shoes. When finished, rinse them with warm water and dry them using the same procedure as described above.


It's the easiest way to make white sneakers shine like new again, but you should always pay attention to the instructions below!

  • Pre-prepare the sneakers first. This means that you clean the rubber parts, and at the same time apply the washing powder with a cloth to the rest of the sneaker and leave it for a good half hour to take effect.
  • Be sure to wash sneakers with old white towels: make sure to use two large old white towels per pair of sneakers. The latter will act as rags that will successfully clean white sneakers.
  • Do not use fabric softener.
  • Choose a program with 30 degrees and no higher temperatures.
  • Do not use a tumble dryer.
  • Use pre-wash only for very dirty sneakers.
  • Stuff old newspaper into the washed sneakers and leave them to dry in a regular place. Never dry them on a radiator or other heat source.

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