
Top video games of 2019: 3 games that only the best gamers will play

Want to stay up to date on the top video games of 2019? Then first see which 3 video games only the best gamers will play!

If you are a real gamer, then you simply have to know top video games 2019. And that's 3 for the month of March.

Axe: Shadows Die Twice

Anyone who wants to wreak havoc on a brood of mutated sorcerers in a bleak fantasy version of 14th century Japan should definitely consider Sekiro ("one-armed wolf"), the new third-person game from the acclaimed author of the Dark Souls series. The combat is faster and less methodical, but more tense than in Dark Souls, and hiding is also present, although more like a crutch when you find yourself in trouble or still looking for a way through enemies. The core qualities of Shadows that die twice are the required precision in everything from attacks, dodges and defenses, and the ability to move quickly in space thanks to a special rope. Our ninja is equipped with an artificial hand, which is useful both for attacks and for grabbing shoots, branches and other hot spots in the area. This creates tension in the boss fights, which are half classic hit and dodge and half cinematic, full of incredible cinematic scenes, for example, when our Wolf is towering over the attacks of a hulking samurai and a horse carcass reaching towards him. There are no fantasy role-playing elements in the game, such as gaining experience and forging new equipment, instead combat is based on throwing enemies off balance and finding their weak points so that you can finally deliver the killing blow. If you die, you can revive at the place of death, which otherwise incurs a certain penalty, or at the last checkpoint.

One Piece World Seeker

The Japanese comic book (manga) and cartoon (anime) One Piece follows budding pirate Monkey D. Luffy as he searches for the most mysterious Uskok treasure known as One Piece. Every member of his crew is something special, but most of all he himself, because his body became rubbery after eating the miracle fruit. There are several remakes of the One Piece game, and the latest is this one, which features an open world. Luffy is free to explore the vast island, fight and solve the mischief he is known for on paper and on screen, all in colorful, cartoonish graphics.


Outward is a mix of survival game and RPG game in which you find yourself as a completely normal human without special powers in the hostile fantasy world of Aurai. The cities are full of bandits, while the wilds are ruled by terrible beasts. Nothing can be memorized, as the world is rebuilt each time, and the game saves the position on the fly, so there's no cheating by reading previous shots. But with skill, good equipment, and learning how to spell, you can succeed. Especially if you have another player helping you online or in split screen.

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