
Totem Automobili Alfa Romeo Giulia GT Junior: a classic for modern times

Totem Automobili Alfa Romeo Giulia GT Junior

The Alfa Romeo Giulia GT came to the market in 1963, and it was immediately known that it would become a thoroughbred classic. The team at Totem Automobili decided to continue this classic tradition and in the process breathe some more modern time into it, namely in the form of an electric drive.

The entire conversion project begins in the workshop Totem Cars, where they undertake complete renovations of cars Alfa Romeo Giulia GT Junior 1300 or 1600, which were produced between the years 1970 and 1975. Giulio Junior is completely disassembled and used only 10 percent original chassis. They replace the rest with aluminum and carbon fiber, as the car has to carry a lot greater forces, as was necessary when using the original 4-cylinder engine that had "only" 192 horsepower. It will have a new electric motor 518 horsepower and 940 Nm of torque. It will draw power from the performance battery 50.4 kWh, which will be enough for do 350 kilometers a long way. To accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h will only be needed 3 seconds.

Batteries only weigh 350 kilograms and they are one of the the easiest and the safest battery packs on the market. Every conversion at Totem Automobili should be done specifically for you the client, which will be to him adjusted every little thing in new old classics.

Totem Automobili Alfa Romeo Giulia GT Junior
Totem Automobili Alfa Romeo Giulia GT Junior
Totem Automobili Alfa Romeo Giulia GT Junior
Totem Automobili Alfa Romeo Giulia GT Junior

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