
Tour Odeon - $250 million apartment

Tour Odeon

The story called Tour Odeon started in 2009 and from the beginning it will sail in stormy seas. In this most luxurious high-rise building in Europe, you can find an apartment for which they are asking a minimum of 250 million dollars.

In the 1980s, it was then Prince Rainier of Monaco banned high-rises along the waterfront, saying that skyscrapers directly along the waterfront would destroy the visual image of the city. He may not have been wrong, but his son Albert clearly doesn't care about his father's concerns at all. In 2009, the green light was given and the playground for millionaires began to take shape, which should reach its final stage in the second half of 2014.
The residents have opposed this decision from the beginning, but given that, yes Tour Odeon it already stands proudly, we can assume how much they had a say in it.

Tour Odeon, which with its 49 floors will be the second tallest skyscraper on the Mediterranean coast, has 70 luxury apartments, two duplexes and a luxury suite on the top five floors, the so-called penthouse. All apartments are of superior size, have 24/7 care, sea view and terrace, spa center, gym, several swimming pools... It goes without saying that they are intended for the super rich.

The cherry on top is the aforementioned penthouse, where luxury from the lower floors moves to a new level. We have to add another super (super super rich) to its buyer, because it can happen that this will be the most expensive penthouse in the world, worth at least 250 million dollars! Of particular note is its infinity pool, the descriptions of which - when we see the photo - are simply irrelevant.

However, not everything is so perfect, until recently they managed to sell only 18 apartments, apparently there is a limit even for the richest people. But the construction is not finished yet, and certainly until next year, someone will still be tempted by the "unique experience of living in the ultimate home", as the project is being sold by the agents.

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