
Tourist farm Petelin-Durcik

Tourist farm Petelin-Durcik is located in the Karst in the village of Pliskovica. At first glance, the tourist farm gives the impression of a well-kept homestead, there is nothing touristy about it. A small courtyard with a few tables, decorated in karst style, rests in the shadow of karst growth and a calming silence. Touristic...

Basic information
Tourist farm Petelin-Durcik
Pliskovica 93
by agreement
(05) 764 00 28

Tourist farm Petelin-Durcik is located in the Karst in the village of Pliskovica. At first glance, the tourist farm gives the impression of a well-kept homestead, there is nothing touristy about it. A small courtyard with a few tables, decorated in karst style, rests in the shadow of karst growth and a calming silence. The tourist farm is run by the family themselves, which is why they decided not to accept guests in large numbers. They say that they accept a smaller number of guests, because that way they can really take care of them, and this allows the guests to really relax. For this reason, they also do not have permanent opening hours, as they want one-day guests to sign up in advance so that they can take care of them in the way they know how - in the Karst style. They strive to ensure that their entire offer smells of the Karst as much as possible. For starters, we are offered jota, torščevo kaša, terano toč, pasta in asparagus sauce. Prosciutto is also indispensable in the Karst. The main course consists of pork, chicken or other types of meat with a hearty side dish and vegetables from the home garden. In the kitchen, they use a lot of wild herbs that they gather in the surrounding area: thyme, fennel, karst fennel, lemon balm and sage. These herbs give their flavor to sauces, soups and desserts. Among the desserts, they highlight Karst štruklje, boiled peaches and štruklje in teran. You can't go without teran in the Karst, and it's what they're most proud of, so a drop of local wine is almost a must when visiting a farm. If the smell of the Karst does not allow you to go home, you will be hospitably received in an apartment or room. The karst offers many opportunities for recreation: walks, cycling or visiting the surrounding attractions. We will definitely not be bored there.

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