
Puklavec tourist farm

FOLLOWING THE JERUSALEM WINE ROAD TO MUSHROOM SOUP The Jerusalem Wine Road offers plenty of gourmet luxury, especially in autumn, when the grapes begin to shyly blush in the sun. If we drive from Ormož in the direction of Ljutomer and turn towards Miklavž, we will soon notice signposts on the wine road that lead through Kajžar to the Tourist...

Basic information
Puklavec tourist farm

uninterrupted (the farm is an accommodation unit
(02) 719 65 00, 031

FOLLOWING THE JERUSALEM WINE ROAD TO MUSHROOM SOUP The Jerusalem Wine Road offers plenty of gourmet luxury, especially in autumn, when the grapes begin to shyly blush in the sun. If we drive from Ormož in the direction of Ljutomer and turn towards Miklavž, we will soon see signposts on the wine road leading through Kajžar to the Puklavec Tourist Farm in Zasavci. While hungry travelers quench their thirst with clear and cold spring water, which springs from the forest below the homestead, the hostess serves a feast from Prle. All food is homemade: meat, vegetables and spices, and mushrooms are collected from the surrounding forests. Puklavčevi offers porcini mushrooms in various ways: fried, grilled or fried with eggs. Arugula is next to it, and everything is seasoned with pumpkin oil and balsamic vinegar. Let yourself be surprised by chanterelles and buckwheat porridge, and porcini soup is a permanent fixture on the menu anyway. Carnivores will surely be delighted with tünka meat or turkey, lamb or roast pork roasted in a bread oven. Seasonal vegetables and millets or noodles are served with the meat. Those who want dessert after all this can get, for example, buckwheat cakes or a pumpkin roll. You don't have to drink only water with a meal, Puklav's cellar is richly stocked with wines produced in the local vineyard. Another tip: mushrooms get along amazingly well with a truly refreshing rosehip.


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