
Tranquillo: A flashlight that lights up when your phone is off

What a wonderful feeling it is when we complete a task collected and as a result quite quickly! Tranquillo, a lamp that turns on when your phone is off, helps us on our way to this productive posture. The designer Avid Kadam responds to the often unaddressed, but therefore no less problematic, problems of generations who live under the great influence of modern technology. Thus, the Tranquillo light only turns on when your phone is turned off.

V to the New York Times was recently published article about how difficult it is for the younger generation to focus on a single thing. Nowadays, multitasking is much praised. Actually, it is multitasking a myth, as research has shown that it is difficult for the brain to focus on several tasks at the same time. What they do is switch attention - and of course we waste valuable time in between. Many times the problem is focusing on one thing telephone. Tranquillo, a flashlight that turns on when your phone is off, forces you to end this bad habit.

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Tranquillo lamp
Tranquillo lamp

With help NFC technologies it's actually the phone that lights up lights up. At the same time, a lamp charge the phone and of course turn on the feature do-not-disturb. The moment the person starts using the phone again, all three processes (the light shining, the phone charging and the do-not-disturb function) are turned off. It is even possible to disassemble the lamp into several parts, and when necessary, take with you only a lamp that works on the same principle. Great invention!

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