

Milan Eric and Zvonko Čoh have been drawing for several decades, so their works include a large number of sparkling, innovative and technically and artistically perfect illustrations. Although their medium is not drawings created with the help of computer programs, many of them surprise us, most of the time...

Important information
Gallery "S", Ljubljana Castle, Grajska planota 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Milan Eric and Zvonko Čoh have been drawing for several decades, so their works include a large number of sparkling, innovative and technically and artistically perfect illustrations. Although their medium is not drawings created with the help of computer programs, many of them surprise us, and most often make us laugh. The Transformers exhibition humorously, wittily and in some places caricaturedly paraphrases reality, which does not exist here without fragments of fiction and the richness of imagination.

Cinema yard

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