
Tratar Bikes – a Slovenian city bike with a wooden frame on Kickstarter

Kickstarter is richer for another Slovenian project - Tratar Bikes, where a three-member team led by designer Janez Tratar is raising 25 thousand dollars to realize their idea by January 10, 2015. It is a (city) wooden bicycle that comes in two versions - Kick shift (with gears) and Single-speed (without gears). The wooden frame weighs two kilograms (which is in the same range as aluminum ones), and a total of 11 is accumulated.

Janez Tratar, Nejc Puš and Matej Ramšak are their own brand of prestigious bikes Tratar Bikes presented at an event in the Poligonna Creative Center (Pre)Let's build the Slovenian wood industry! (organizer of Slovenia Crowdfunding) and is an exemplary example of how to spend excess wood mass, which was also caused by the February ice storm. It is being launched on Kickstarter with two models (both using the same frame), namely Single-speed (price: 1,660 dollars, converted to approx. 1,340 euros), which is gearless and versatile Kick shift (price: 1760 dollars, approx. 1420 euros), which has two gears and integrated brake in the drive system.

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They consist of everything three wooden pieces (all Slovenian wood) which are screwed (Slovenian metal parts) and glued, which means that the probability of its failure (taking into account minimum number of contacts) practically zero. This is also a great comparative advantage with other wooden bikes on the market, as their frame is not only in weight, but also in terms of durability. at the aluminum level, which is far from dampening vibrations or picking up vibrations as effectively as wood acting as natural shock absorber.

Last corrections by Janez Tratar.
Last corrections by Janez Tratar.

In addition to the model, you can also choose between different color combinations (bright ones, which represent Slovenian larch and autumn, and the dark ones represented by ours oak and walnut) and three frame sizes.

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