
Travelbox: the first portable pop-up hotel


Travelbox is the first portable pop-up hotel, which is intended for all travelers who change their location several times during their trip and at the same time want a little more comfort than a simple tent. The Travelbox is basically very light for its purpose, weighing only 59 kilograms, but it includes a comfortable bed, chair, table, storage and even a bike if you want to take it somewhere.

Austrian company Juust has created the ideal portable hotel, thoughtfully crafted from wood and aluminum, bringing the comfort of our home wherever life takes us. Its length is 209 cm, height 125 cm and width 39 cm. With this smart design of the foldable Travelbox, we can save a lot, because we will no longer need to rent hotel rooms or buy furniture.

Check out the photos of the first Travelbox portable pop-up hotel in the gallery.

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