
Tableau Tray - Automatic Plant Watering System #kickstarter

Tableau tray - automatic indoor plant watering system

If you are on the road or at home a lot, it is difficult to take care of plants. Also, watering indoor plants, no matter how easy it sounds, is not mastered by many people. Plants have their own cycle, which many people do not understand. With the Tabelau tray, these problems will no longer exist, and you will not have to ask your neighbor to water your flowers while you are away. These will be watered by themselves on a tray with an automatic watering system, as needed and as long as there is water in the tank.

Dutch company Pikaplant on Kickstarter offers a product that takes care of watering plants instead of you and is ideal for all of you who travel a lot or are away a lot or forget to water your plants regularly. It sounds like a name Tableau. A case of tray with watering system, which when watering imitates nature and tries to recreate as best as possible the effects of wet and dry cycles that plants are used to in nature. It is filled with felt and waters the plants when needed.

Tableau or one less worry when it comes to housework.
Tableau or one less worry when it comes to housework.

It draws water from the tank, which is installed in a special place with a valve, which opens only when the tank is placed on the attachment. You can supply vegetables, flowers or herbs with it up to four plants or potted plants at once. And all that without a "drop" of electricity, just like nature does.

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The Tableau tray will water the potted plants for you.
The Tableau tray will water the potted plants for you.

Tableau which on Kickstarter you can "plough" for a little less than 90 euros, water the plants only as much as necessary. This eliminates two eternal problems faced by "indoor" gardeners. These plants are either watered too much or too little. But what plants want is regular and moderate watering. That's why at Pikaplant, they designed Tableaa and its irrigation system turned to nature and its wet-dry cycle. Learn more about this and how it works in practice in the video below:

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