
Trick for cleaning pet hair from the couch: A quick and effective way without special tools

Photo: envato

What to do when your pets' hair just doesn't seem to stop piling up on your couch?

If you are a pet owner, then you definitely know a constant problem with their hair, which is everywhere in the apartment. But it is especially annoying when they pile up on the sofa. You have already tried different methods, but did not prove satisfactory.

We present to you simple, yet extraordinary effective ways, how to get rid of those pesky hairs using things you already have at home.

Photo: envato


Vinegar is one of the best natural cleaners available, and it's also amazing efficient when removing hair from furniture. The combination of vinegar, warm water and liquid dishwashing detergent forms a winning cleaning formula.

All you need is 60 milliliters of vinegar, 180 milliliters of warm water and a tablespoon of liquid detergent.

Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, shake well and evenly disperse on the surface of the furniture that is covered with hairs. Then rub the surface thoroughly with a clean cloth. The hairs will begin to separate from the fabric and will easily stick to the cloth. The result? Your sofa will be clean and hair-free again, as if it were new!

Rubber gloves

Did you know that rubber gloves are a great tool for removing hair from furniture? You probably have at least a pair of these gloves at home. Simply put a clean rubber glove on one hand, then your fingers drag over the surface of the furniture, covered with hair.

Use rubber gloves. Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

The rubber material will attract hairs that will stick to it while keeping the surface of the furniture clean. This trick is especially effective on leather, faux leather, and other stain-resistant materials. After a few minutes of use, you will be surprised at how easy it is get rid of all the hair!

Roller for cleaning hair from clothes

You've probably heard of sticky rollers that are used to remove hair from clothes. But did you know that this simple tool is also extremely effective at cleaning furniture? A clothes roller is actually one of the most convenient devices for hair removal, as it enables quick and easy cleaning of various surfaces.

Simply go over the surface of the sofa or carpet with the sticky roller and you will see how the hairs disappear easily. This trick is great also for quickly refreshing the room when you don't have time for thorough cleaning.

By using these simple but effective tricks, you will be able to quickly and without problems removed all hair from the couch.

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