
Trick: How to remove nail polish without acetone

Photo: envato

Does the stench of acetone make you sick? Do you want to give your nails a kinder way of removing nail polish, but don't know how?

Here are some alternative ways to remove nail polish that are effective but require a little more time and patience.

Before each of these ideas, soak your nails in warm water and keep them in it for fifteen minutes.

Alcohol or disinfectant

Some research suggests that alcohol or hand sanitizer can be good ways to remove nail polish. Apply a small amount of one of them to a cotton ball and place it on the nail after pre-soaking it in warm water.

Leave the cotton ball on it for ten seconds while gently rubbing it back and forth. The polish should come off pretty quickly.

Remove nail polish in a different way. Photo: ivabalk / Pixabay

Vinegar and orange juice

Mix orange juice with plain white vinegar for another nail polish remover solution. The procedure is the same as with alcohol - warm water, soak a cotton ball, hold it on the nail for 10 seconds, rub gently until the polish softens. Then remove the cotton wool and the varnish.


Even an ordinary lemon can remove nail polish. Place a cut slice or lemon juice on your nails and leave it on until the nail polish softens, then remove it.

One by one. Photo: Element5 / Unsplash


Spray the aerosol polish on a cotton swab or piece of cotton, then use it to remove the nail polish.

After you have removed the nail polish using the chosen method, pay more attention to your nails. Alcohol dehydrates the skin, so nourish it with oil.

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