
A trick to drive flies away from your home in a natural way

Photo: envato

Tired of annoying flies in your home? Are you interested in how you could permanently repel flies in a natural way?

The trick you will drove away the flies, is simple, effective and does not require expensive or toxic preparations. By using this simple tip, you will be able to eliminate flies overnight and enjoy a pleasant and clean pest-free environment.

Includes use lemon, which are affordable, natural and fragrant ingredients that are often found in our kitchens.

Follow these simple steps to get rid of flies naturally:

1. Prepare three or four lemons and cut them in half. Lemons they are known for their refreshing smell, which is pleasant for us, but repels flies.

2. Arrange the lemon halves on the oven racks and leave to rest overnight. It is important that the oven door is always open so that the smell of lemons can circulate around the room.

Flies away
Solution - lemons. Photo: Eggbank/Unsplash

3. The next morning, close the oven and turn it on for a few minutes at a low temperature up to a maximum of 100°C. It's about gently heating the lemons, not burning them.

4. When you're done heating, turn off the oven and let the lemons cool completely. Then just throw them in the trash.

This trick works on the principle of the smell of lemons, which repels flies. Flies are attracted to the smells of food and rot, while the smell of lemons is not pleasant to them. This natural repellent will reduce their presence in your home.

In addition to the fact that this method is natural and easy to use, it has another advantage - the pleasant smell that lemons give off. Your kitchen will smell wonderful, which will be a pleasant experience for you and your guests.

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