
Tricks that can change your life: 10 ways to save money when buying food

Think about smart shopping, even when it comes to food, because you can save quite a bit of money here too. Here are 10 smart tricks to save you a few euros!

How with small changes and smart tactics spend less money on food without having to cross your favorite foods off your shopping list?

What can you do before you leave home?

1. Before you go to the store, it's a good idea to check what things are there sent - open your grocery drawers and while making your list think about what recipes will you prepare from these foods? in the coming week or month. All that you lack, add to shopping list.

2. After you've written down which foods you're missing, you might download store apps, in which you shop, or take a look at their advertising leaflets. Check there to see if there is any food, which you otherwise need, in action. Do it smaller stock these foods, because then you won't have to buy them next week or month.

3. You can use it in some stores coupons or benefit cards. Take advantage of them! If you know you're going to buy a more expensive item this week or this month, you can lower its price by using a coupon. Always attach a benefit card, which adds up the value of the discounts you received when buying certain foods - later on the bill subtracts the accumulated value and is an account slightly lower.

4. Remember, the worst thing you can do is go to the store hungry. Then you will buy more than you really need. Hire yourself so that you can make smart decisions while shopping and kept the plan.

Remember that the worst thing you can do is go to the store hungry. Then you will buy more than you really need.
Remember that the worst thing you can do is go to the store hungry. Then you will buy more than you really need.

What to consider when shopping?

1. Right away start shopping the list, which you put together at home. Choose only foods that you must wander. If you have also set the value that you intend to spend in the store, then it is also a good idea that while shopping you use a calculator on the phone.

2. After you've made one round of the entire store and bought the groceries you absolutely need, and you know what the current amount is, you can now make another round and pick out some things that might like to try them or with cuddled them. Set a value that can exceed the current value of the account, otherwise you will spend more than you expected.

3. Don't allow yourself to be distracted by the snacks at the cash register or by the saleswoman who casually mentions that some food is on sale today. If you don't use it, you don't need it.

If you don't use the product, you don't need it.
If you don't use the product, you don't need it.

What can you do after coming from the store?

1. You have to learn the foods you bought store properly, because this way you will extend their shelf life. Look at the instructions on the food, namely how to store it properly. It is also important to you learn about expiration dates, so that you will not throw away food that is otherwise edible.

2. If you bought fruit or vegetables that are before their expiration date, clean them, cut them, pack them in containers and freeze it. They will come right to you prepare dishes, you won't throw them away, but they should preserve all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

3. Find new recipes, which you can prepare from the ingredients you bought. In this way, you will introduce variety into your eating routine and avoid the food that you prepare from the same ingredients week after week becoming boring. You will also resist the temptation to ate out.

Find new recipes that you can make from the ingredients you've bought.
Find new recipes that you can make from the ingredients you've bought.

Other ways to save money on food:

  • Prepare food at home and take it with you to school or work, because you will eat healthier and save more.
  • Brand there's no guarantee of quality, so there's nothing wrong with buying a food brand you've never heard of. It is usually cheaper, often of better quality.
  • Don't throw it away leftover food, but save them and think about how you can incorporate them into another dish.
  • Buy good quality refrigerator and a freezer that will contribute to extending the shelf life of food.
  • Buy quality container for storing food and transporting food.

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