

At home, eat carnival donuts all year round. Everyone who has ever traveled to Styria from Ljubljana probably knows the Trojane restaurant, if nothing else, for the traditional donuts that have been baked "since time immemorial". the inn has been standing at the top of the Trojan slope since the middle of the 19th century and still today preserves the traditional...

Basic information
Trojans 11
every day from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m
(01) 723 36 00

HOMEMADE DISHES, CARDIGAN DONUTS ALL YEAR The Trojane restaurant is probably known to everyone who has ever traveled to Styria from Ljubljana, if nothing else, because of the traditional donuts that have been baked "since time immemorial". The inn has been standing at the top of the Trojan slope since the middle of the 19th century and even today preserves traditional home cooking, as it fits at least here and there. Travelers, among whom there are many foreigners who stop here for a short time, are served stew, goulash or soup, and for those who are hungry, a classic lunch. Many settle for just a doughnut, which with its size easily satisfies the first discomfort in the stomach. Guests who need a little longer stay also like to stop at Trojane, for which they prepare dishes to order. In addition to doughnuts, those with a sweet tooth can also order homemade gibanica. Due to the construction of the highway, the restaurant is admittedly a bit out of the way, but for good beef soup and veal roast, it is worth turning off the road and driving an extra kilometer. Guests can sit in the old inn or the new restaurant, and from its terrace there is a wonderful view of the valley below the Trojans and the Zasavska hribovje.


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