
Tuesdays will be reserved for the Creative Fair

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Creative fair

Every Tuesday, a Creative Fair takes place in the underpass of Maximarket, which brings with it a bunch of wonderful handicrafts.

Important information
Maximarket, underpass, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free entry

Handmade unique products it puts on display twenty to twenty-five artists who create a colorful artistic atmosphere in the capital on Tuesdays. So far, four fairs have passed, over sixty creators have presented their unique handmade works of art. While some are already somewhat established, young designers are also presenting their ideas to the public.

At the same time, they make sure that even the youngest ones are not bored, because they prepare Creative workshops, in November on the topic calligraphy, making candlesticks with the help of recycling, beading and molding polymer clay. The workshops are suitable for small and large children.

Visitors' day will be brightened by a trip to the Creative Fair on Tuesday!
Visitors' day will be brightened by a trip to the Creative Fair on Tuesday!

According to the organizers, it is difficult to sell their products in these times, and many creators started making unique items precisely because they lost their jobs: "When they suddenly had enough time, they started creating. Of course, we all know that creating is also a consolation - and what could be better for someone who is unemployed than to be able to earn a few euros with their unique pieces. This will not solve unemployment, but we will certainly make many people's week better."

Info Box

Every Tuesday between 10:00 and 19:00 in the underpass of Maximarket.

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