
Two astrological signs that would never lie (and three that would even fool a lie detector)

Which signs are truth seekers and who would even trick a lie detector?

Your voice thins, your feet shuffle, your shoulders freeze. For some, the art of lying is excruciating. You try to explain that while you'd like to meet up for a drink, you're too busy at work (when you really just want to watch a series on Netflix and become one with your couch). For others, faking the truth is simple. The false details flow like notes in a symphony, each lie playing in perfect harmony. And although we probably know where we are on the spectrum of lies, we called in astrology for additional help (you know... just in case we can't trust you). Astrologers are so convinced that these are the three astrological signs that lie the most (and the two that tell things like they are).

Signs that lie

Twins, story tellers

Gemini can't resist weaving lies into their exciting narratives. Of course, in the 90s of the last century, they went to an outdoor folk concert. But wouldn't the story be sweeter if the concert was illuminated by a full moon or if the singer turned his attention to them while singing romantically? Gemini easily adds some false interestingness to the truth, some editorial liberties. Deep down, inquisitive Geminis just want people to find them as interesting as the world is interesting. Instead of getting lost in fiction, Air signs must learn that it is always safer to stand on a solid branch: the truth.

Scorpio, the protector

It is a sign that embodies the mystery, intensity and intimacy of the dark night. They are intuitively gifted at spotting lies and finding secrets (they already know your phone password). And because they're hyperaware of deceptive behavior—avoiding eye contact, speeding up speech—Scorpio avoids these mistakes when lying. Scorpion is an alligator that deftly glides through swamps, with only its eyes above the water. It is constantly on the lookout for threats while hiding its vulnerability beneath the surface. Instead of telling you that he left town because of a devastating breakup, he'll claim that he did "eager for a change of environment". For a Scorpio, lying in the name of self-protection always pays off.

Libra, harmony

The person you're dating—one of your many admirers—invites you to check out their impressive record collection. And while you're drinking a glass of merlot, they drop the turntable needle to one of the songs you just hate. This is where obliging Libras start spewing their “verbal sunshine”: sweet lies they tell to make everything run smoothly. “Great song!” Libra longs for coordination, harmony. And if necessary, they will charm their way to balance. Captivated by aesthetic beauty—pastel peonies, bedrooms filled with golden light—Libras get caught up in the look. They lie to avoid conflict and connect with others on the surface.


Signs that tell the truth

Aries, without bending

Some of us lie to please or appease our passions. "Are you going to cut your bangs yourself? Great!” Fortunately, the ram separates itself from the crowd. Fiery Aries have a built-in sense of immediacy: there's no time for hidden benefits when you're driven by instinct. So forget about the bangs, you'd look better with a side part. Aries knows that honesty is strength because it is fearless. They're comfortable being uncomfortable: debates can be fun, right? Mars-powered signs don't wrap their opinions in cellophane, they don't sugar coat. Only their fiery stream of consciousness is with them. Call them when you need a dose of reality – no matter how harsh they may be.

Sagittarius, seeker of truth

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of optimism and expansion. They are always on a journey – physical, mental, spiritual – to find the truths of life. Sagittarius wants to see it all: lush Scottish slopes, ornate Burmese temples. Liberated minds explore various objects, spaces and belief systems to get at the essence of our purpose. And they are eager to share their wisdom with the world. Like their poetic travel journals, the shooter is an open book. Their firepower is fueled by their wit, whimsy and spontaneity. Where's the fun in planning a lie (and keeping track of all the fake details)? Sagittarius would rather tell their true stories. Believe me, these stories are fascinating enough.


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