
Two words that are more important than "I love you": they strengthen every relationship!

There is an almost magical phrase that can make your relationship even deeper and more lasting. But what if we forget about it so often...

You happen to know how many times you say to your loved one "I love you?" Depending on the duration of your relationship (and your character), this could be hundreds, thousands, millions of times...

Expressing your love is of course important in any relationship, but what if you could say two words that would let your partner know that really important?

It's a magic phrase "I appreciate you".

We should say this in our relationships as often as possible. In love relationships, it is very important to find words that will show our partner how happy and blessed we are that he/she is our partner. Studies also show that it is the ability to be grateful, a quality that makes people want to spend more time with us.

"I appreciate you".
"I appreciate you".

And why is it "I appreciate you" stronger phrase than "I love you"?

1. Phrase "I love you" has unfortunately lost some of its value. Due to constant use, it loses its meaning.

2. Phrase "I love you" can often, especially if someone has a negative experience with the excessive use of this phrase, trigger doubt in another person. But the expression of gratitude is something certain for almost all of us, especially since gratitude is not yet "worn out".

3. Related to the previous point: expression "I love you" is often used to manipulate a partner. "I appreciate you" it comes from the heart and elicits the most sincere reactions.

4. Gratitude makes us stronger. Among other things, research proves that our physical, mental and emotional health improves when we are grateful.

Three ways to say it "I appreciate you"

Look your partner in the eye and say: "I appreciate you for being so kind, ambitious, for having a sense of humor, etc." or say: "I really appreciate that you take the children to kindergarten in the morning". Or you can also simply and sincerely say thank you for something you might not have expected: "I appreciate so much that you cooked lunch today".

Keep showing your love with a beautiful phrase as well "I love you", but always do it from the heart, and try to add more to it "I appreciate you".

Remember, these are often just words that some people have no problem manipulating. What counts is that you REALLY FEEL what you are saying!

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