
Ugur Sahin Design Project Fenix: a design in tribute to an automotive legend

Ugur Sahin Design Project Fenix; Photo: ugursahindesign.com

The shape of the now automotive icon - the Ferrari F40, in all probability will not be able to be surpassed by any car, as even the equally celebrated Ferrari F50, designed by Pininfarina to celebrate its 50th anniversary, failed to do so. With the concept supercar Project Fenix, they want to honor their 15 years of existence at the Dutch Ugur Sahin Design.

The Project Fenix concept is the supercar they want from the Dutch Ugur Sahin Design to celebrate its 15th anniversary. The car is inspired by the curves of the famous Ferrari F50, which are combined in a modern and clean design. The main task of the concept is to find the right balance between the old and the new design, which would pay homage to the original but still preserve modern interpretation legendary forms.

Ugur Sahin Design Project Fenix; Photo: ugursahindesign.com

Being a tribute to the Ferrari F50, Project Fenix has several design features elements, which connect them. They share a large air deflector at the rear, a glass bonnet and a black stripe running down the side of the car. Similarities can also be detected in the air vents located in the ʺengine coverʺ and the four elongated rear lights. The Dutch company Ugur Sahin Design was founded in 2007, with the aim of serving the automotive and design industries, with new ones fresh approaches. They offer clients the entire design concept, from market research, to the first design drawings and all the way to the final 3D model.

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