
Umbrella Drone - My drone can be an umbrella

Umbrella Drone

If you are not an adrenaline junkie or a photography enthusiast, then you probably have no particular interest in a drone. But that will definitely change in the future. Recently, drones have been taking over more and more everyday tasks, and you will probably especially like the latest assignment. Drones will hold the umbrella over your head for you. Meet the Umbrella Drone, a drone that carries an umbrella.

Holding an umbrella is becoming a thing of the past. If you drones so far they haven't been convinced, thanks to the drone Umbrella Drone (a modified version of the drone DJI Phtanom 4) changed this. His job is to carry the umbrella. It is besides the camera Drone Directs equipped the drone with an umbrella. This one automatically follows the individual and insists upon his head, thou art walk, run or cycle.

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1.38 kg drone cannot be bought yet, but that will only be the case for a short time. It will soon be possible to buy it for 1200 euros. Yes, leisure is not cheap. Well, as well as the tracking technology it relies on GPS-smartphone system, no. That's why you will have both hands free, which is not bad either.

A drone defies strong winds and wind gusts and successfully avoids obstacles such as canopies, lamps, fences and walls. Allows recording of recordings in 4K resolution and provides 30 minutes of autonomy. It can fly at this speed 71 km/h.

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