
Aquajet H2: the world's first underwater scooter

What if we just flew? And not through the air, but in the water. Not exactly flying, but smashing through the depths of the sea, overtaking fish left and right and chasing a shark's tail? Well, this last one is a bit (too) brave. Are you wondering how you could do this? Look at this toy.

Underwater scooter Aquajet Dive H2 in appearance it resembles an electric skate, as it has one wing on each side, which you hold on to with your hands.

The engine drives it with with a push of 18 kilograms, which will be sufficient for traction several people at the same time. If you go on the ride alone, you will be able to grind at speed 9 kilometers per hour, and it doesn't matter where you do it. It can be on the surface of the water or 18 meters below it.

The battery on the Aquajet H2 will be sufficient for 100 minutes of water pleasures, which you will be able to capture in videos with a GoPro camera, as there is also an attachment for it on the scooter.

All you have to do is wait for summer. The Aquajet Dive H2 is for sale for 720 euros.

Gallery: Aquajet H2 underwater scooter for underwater enthusiasts

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