
Unexpected tricks to speed up your diet, known only to nutritionists

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Not everything works for everyone, so New York-based nutritionist Jennifer Cassetta wonders when we'll stop believing that weight loss is all about cutting back on food!

"For some people who eat more than the body needs, this is true, but this is not always the case," he adds. In order to reach the goal as soon as possible, the leading American experts explained what are the right steps to follow.

First, stop dieting

Yes, you read that right. The key to good health could be monitoring your behavior - whether you move enough, whether you eat enough fruit and vegetables. One of the best ways to lose weight is to create healthy habits that you will follow and nurture for a long time, advises nutritionist Amy Gorin, adding: "It's the easiest way to achieve something, so incorporate exercise into every day, avoid sweets and be aware of what you eat."

Avoiding certain foods will not help you

"People who are on a diet will often avoid certain foods, which can turn into an obsession, but this behavior will not help you with your diet," says dietitian Tara Collingwood, who advises to focus on calories and balance instead. Increase your calorie expenditure and treat yourself to something you crave.

Sometimes you indulge

If you don't relax every now and then, you're more likely to overindulge on your favorite (unhealthy) foods one day, says personal trainer Kristin Reisinger. "The meal you forbade yourself can actually speed up your journey to your goal. The metabolism will speed up, the body will begin to burn fat faster, and at the same time it will prevent the body from getting used to calorie restriction.”

Take care of yourself

If the diet doesn't work for you, what to do? Dietitian Kara Lydon believes that you should focus on yourself, as many studies show that constant dieting actually leads to weight gain. Instead, she advises focusing on how you feel and investing time and energy in creating new healthy habits.

Portion size is important

Tara Collingwood tries to teach her clients how cutting out certain foods doesn't make much sense, as eating only healthy foods can lead to weight gain if you're not in moderation. What can help you is to know what portion is sufficient for you, as you can more easily follow how many calories you put into your body.

Eat protein for breakfast

"I eat up to 20 to 30 grams of protein in the morning and am so full until lunch," says Collingwood. Research confirms that this is a smart tactic and how people who start the day with 30 to 39 grams of protein eat 175 fewer calories per day.

Keep a food diary

This activity will take you a few minutes a day, but it can have a positive effect on your eating habits. Not only will you be more aware of your choices, but keeping a regular record of the food you eat will help you make smarter choices. A study in which part of the respondents kept a daily food diary showed that they lost more kilograms than those who did not keep such a diary. You can use one of the mobile apps or pick up a pen and notebook - whatever suits you best.

Brush your teeth after a meal

Not only will your dentist be impressed, your body will thank you too. By brushing your teeth and flossing after a meal, you can prevent the desire for late meals, as this will send a signal to the brain that there is enough food for today.

Fill the plate with vegetables

Not only do vegetables have fewer calories, but they are also an excellent source of fiber and water, ingredients that will make you feel full. For this reason, Collingwood always fills her plate with vegetables, because it makes it easier for her to stick to portion sizes and make her more aware of how many other foods she has on her plate.

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