
UNICEF rag dolls: a special collection created by famous faces

A special collection of UNICEF Rag Dolls, created by famous faces, is currently on display at a playground that has grown overnight in the center of Ljubljana: in the storefront of the Nama store. With the UNICEF project, Slovenia collects funds for the vaccination of children, which enables a healthy start in life for the world's most vulnerable children. When a child is healthy, he can play carefree, attend school and develop his potential.

After more than ten years, well-known designers from all over Slovenia joined forces again and created unique little masterpieces: UNICEF rag dolls. This special collection is for everyone until May 25 in the Nama shop window in Ljubljana or to choose from punckeizcunj.si. Z donation of €100 the adopter of Rag Dolls saves five children's lives by providing the means to vaccinate five children against the most common childhood infectious diseases. With UNICEF's rag dolls from Slovenia, they have been creators and adopters so far already saved more than 20,000 children's lives.

"We are extremely happy and proud that renowned creators have traditionally responded to our invitation and have thus rejoined more than 130 volunteers who sew UNICEF rag dolls all year long," he said on this occasion Tomaž Bergoč, executive director of UNICEF Slovenia. "Together they have created more than 30 very special rag dolls and boys, which can provide vaccinations for more than 8 primary school classes of children."

UNICEF rag dolls were created by:

Benedetti Life – Matea Benedetti, Jona Bednjanec, Monika Colja, DRAŽ knitwear – Urška and Tomaž Draž, Urša Drofenik, FermeFashion – Maja Ferme, Sans Concept – Petra Grmek Green, JKH – Julia Kaja Hrovat, Tatikalar – Tatjana Kalamar Morales, Tjaša Kokalj Jerala , Alenka Košir, Jana Koteska, Nika Mirt, Kiss the Future – Tanja Pađan Mikoš, Pentlja Concept Store, Eric Matyash – Erik Maj Potočnik and Matjaž Plošinjak, JSP – Jelena Proković, Sonja Prosen, Damir Raković Ponorelii, MA_ST_AR – Maja Stamenković, Hana Stupica, Maja Štamol Droljc, Sofija Urumović, Tanja Uvera, Nika Veger, Matic Veler, Alja Viryent, Barbara Zonta and Petja Zorec.

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