
Unique and colorful for our youngest

Unique and colorful for young and old

Taša Gorjanc sews and creates, especially for little ones, but she also likes the big ones. Aprons and chef hats and bibs and always something new.

Especially for small and large chefs, they come out of hand Taše Gorjanc cute, colorful and printed unique products. He creates for boys and girls aprons, chef hats, summer hats, bike/motorcycle bags, tool belts, themed role play aprons, waterproof creative and cooking aprons, waterproof bibs, nursery aprons and on and on.

And how did it all begin? As usual, with a story from a warm home and something that is not there, we would need it. To begin with, Taša sewed for her sons chef's caps, because they really liked playing in theirs mini kitchen and a chef really isn't a chef without a real chef's hat. There are compliments from other moms Tašo Gorjanc encouraged and a line of products began to be created Children cook and bake. In it we find everything listed above in the published gallery. Taša, who was educated in various artistic fields, only learns to sew on the fly, and is already creating new products and new lines. That even the mini-cooks will be done heartily.

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