
Uniti One: an electric car in the shape of a bubble

Uniti, the Swedish manufacturer of electric vehicles, unveiled its latest product, the One car, in front of a crowd of 2,000 people. It represents a special experience for users, and it can also boast of extraordinary efficiency. With a full battery with a capacity of 22 kWh, it can travel as much as 300 kilometers.

Unite, Swedish manufacturer of electric vehicles, presented his latest product, a toy car, to a crowd of 2,000 The ones. It represents a special experience for users, and it can also boast of extraordinary efficiency. With full capacity battery 22 kWh can transport just 300 kilometers. The presentation of the Uniti One car and their forward thinking when it comes to the interior of the car garnered a lot of interest. It offers everything available two management modes. The first is the traditional control with the help of the steering wheel, while in the second mode the car is controlled with help joysticks, which is located in the middle of the dashboard. He is participating in the project 24 partners, among which they are better known NVIDIA, Siemens and E.ON. They are also planning to focus on a new way of producing cars that they will be using reduced the amount of harmful emissions by as much as 75 %. In the future, Uniti will introduce a line of cars that will be available for two, four or five people until the end of 2019.


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