
The universe will send you the right person at the right time!

Trust him!

Do you ever feel like you are tired of everything and everyone? Do you think you have enough dates and meeting new people? Tired of all the wrong people coming into your life? Toxic, reckless and narcissistic people who just want to ruin your life? Do you feel like you've given up and accepted the possibility that you'll never find love again?

You know, this is the time when you should move on. That moment when you feel like giving up is the time to stay calm and have faith in yourself. Into space because it tests your strength and faith. It tests your courage and desire for love. Your trust in him and especially your patience.

You may not believe it now, but believe me, the universe has a plan for you. Of course, there are times when you can't understand why things happen the way they do. Why they are the way they are, but in the end everything will be clear to you.

Everything happens for a reason and the universe knows those reasons. The universe will send you the right person at the right time. Trust him.

Everything happens for a reason...and the universe knows those reasons.
Everything happens for a reason...and the universe knows those reasons.

Your life is part of the universe. The universe knows all your fears and secrets. He doesn't want you to be sad. He wants to make you happy. It created the perfect person for you to share your life with. Someone who is the soul of your soul. Someone who is destined to be with you. This person may not be perfect, but they will be everything you are looking for and everything you need. And that's the only thing that matters.

You won't meet that person when you want them. She won't walk into your life until you're ready. It will come in when you become the person you need to be and when he/she becomes the person they need to be.

The universe always knows when two people are ready to meet. He knows the perfect time. It will send you the right person at the right time.

This can happen when you have already lost all hope that this person even exists and when you have already given up on love. It can happen when you're working through a broken relationship and you've learned another lesson. It can happen after a series of dates with people who were wrong for you, but only because you realized what you really want. And to realize who is the right person for you. Because when that person comes into your life, you'll suddenly realize why it never worked out with anyone else. Suddenly everything will make sense to you.

You will realize why you had to go through all these difficult relationships and why you had to deal with all these toxic people. You will realize that the reason your heart was broken and wounded so many times was actually to prepare you for the love of your life.

And you will be grateful. Grateful for every loss you thought was tragic. Grateful for all the painful times when you left someone or they left you. Grateful that the universe removed people from your life that were toxic to you.

So, never, ever lose faith in the universe. He's watching you. Just be patient and trust him. Trust him.

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